Monday, February 1, 2010


I am not a licensed therapist. Nor do I have any degree in psychology. I am a hard working stay at home mom. I am dedicated to giving everything up for my kids. This past week has been very stressful though because my child was hit by a car while he was walking home from his girlfriend's house. He has broken 3 ribs, has permanent brain damage, and has fractured his spinal cord. It almost came to the point to him being paralyzed. This could have been prevented if it weren't for my sons addiction to his cell phone. He had just left her house and was already texting the girl. Not only was my son texting, but the driver in the car that hit him was as well. He walked right into the road without doing what he was taught-- look left, then right, then left again--instead he just kept walking while looking at his phone. You would think it would be common sense to stop before crossing, but research shows that each generation, kids are becoming more attached to their phones, and each year kids younger and younger are receiving cell phones from their parents. Should I scold my child for texting and not paying attention, or should I give him all the love I can so he makes it through his injuries? Should texting be excommunicated from the country because it is creating more harm than anything? How can we handle this situation in a properly manner without making our society angry with our decisions?

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