Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Veterans Essay

Once every year on the eleventh of November we honor our veterans—some still living and others that have passed-- who fought at war for our country. They risk everything—their family, friends, and even their own lives—to make sure that all citizens of the United States are safe and secure wherever they go. Brave men and women step foot on that battlefield everyday fighting not only for their own freedom, but the entire country's freedom as well. These people are dedicated to what they do because they know they are making a difference for this country. Some of these soldiers are family members or friends who we know; for them to take such an immense responsibility like fighting at war is astounding. Now, as we think and look back at all the soldiers and times they have had to jeopardize themselves and everything they have for us, is one day enough to honor all of these diverse men and women? Your answer to this may be different to how others answer it, but the real answer is no. Every day you should appreciate and admire the courage and strength each and every man and woman give to create safety, freedom, and rights for us.

Many of us take for granted how fortunate we are to live in a country like the United States of America. “I am proud to be am American where at least I know I’m free, and I won’t forget the men who died who gave that right to me.”~Lee Greenwood. Have you ever thought how we got to this point in time right now? How did we get this freedom and independence? All of the answers to these questions are because of the veterans. Too few of us take the day, November 11, as a joke and don’t realize the importance of that day. Without these kinds of authoritative and enduring soldiers we may not be here today. Don’t take things for granted especially when it comes to your own freedom, because it is others brave enough to put their life on the line to get us to the liberty that we are able to experience today. Honor our veterans, honor our soldiers, honor those who have made a difference for this country.


  1. Emma,
    That essay was awesome. the dash constructions were perfect and the quote was great. There's not much else I can say, other than good job.

  2. Congratulations for getting so far in the Veteran's essay contest! This essay is just wonderful and I wouldn't change a single thing about it. Great job Emma :D
